Mushkin 512MB Hi Perf

Diverse d.  11. april. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 2527 gange.

Octools har fået fat i nogle PC2700 som har en ret vidunderlig egenskab.
De formår rent faktisk at få denen blok 333mhz ram, til at køre 400mhz.

"The Mushkin 512MB Hi Perf "LEVEL 2" CAS 222 PC2100 DDR has got to be one of the best
PC2100 DDR in the market in terms of overclockability. I will rephrase that, this has got to be one
of the best 512Mb PC2100 CAS 2-2-2 DDR module you can get! Not only did it beat the Corsair
256 Mb XMS PC2700 in memory overclock but in memory performance as well. For a 512 MB
PC2100 DDR RAM to be able to reach PC3200 (DDR400) speeds at CAS 2, it has to be
something special. It has to be a Mushkin Hi Perf "Level 2!"