AOpen AX45-V SiS645

Diverse d.  15. april. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 456 gange.

Overclockers Online har haft et Aopen bundkort til test.
Det er modellen AX45-4 der bygger på SIS645, og understøtter bl.a DDR 333.

"This is where SiS steps in: they also built a P4 DDR chipset and in the past few weeks motherboard manufacturers have released several boards based upon the new SiS chipset. SiS' chipset is more or less a value solution, but for a value chipset it is certainly a very powerful one! AOpen was one of the first manufacturers who had a motherboard available, and Overclockers Online had tortured it through hell and back, just to see how it would hold up with the competition."