Samsung PC2700 Review

Diverse d.  24. april. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 564 gange. har haft en blok Samsung PC2700 DDR-ram til tets.
De bliver selvfølgelig benchet og overclocket til det sidste.
Her er hvad PureOc skriver:

"Using full timing we could only reach ___Mhz stable with both of these sticks. Lowering the timing helped us to go all the way up to ___Mhz and at this point the problem was not the memory but the hard drive that is running at __Mhz ( 33Mhz default ) !
We only botherd to bench using ___Mhz since the extra bandwidth doesn't help much when you sacrify latency"