EPoX 8K3A+

Diverse d.  24. april. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 554 gange.

PC-Hardware har nu også testet EPoX's bud på et KT333CE baseret bundkort.
Det der bedst kendetegner dette bundkort er dets muligheder for at hæve spændingen på cpu'en helt op til 2.200v. Her er hvad de skriver:

"The clock can be increased up to 200Mhz in 1Mhz increments, the maximum ratio can reach x15 and the voltage core can be modified between 1.400V and 2.200V (quite a lot and maybe dangerous without proper cooling). The upper DDR voltage limit which can be set in BIOS is 3.2V. That's quite a lot and I don't recommend you to go above 3.0V no matter how much you want to overclock. A very useful feature present in BIOS is the watching dog timer. If you enable it and POST fails from various reasons (overclocking for example) BIOS automatically resets settings to default parameters. No need to open the case and reset the BIOS settings by jumper."
