Succesfuld start på år 2002 for JooWooD

Diverse d.  08. maj. 2002, skrevet af The Boss 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 293 gange.

Succesfuld start på år 2002 for JooWooD.

JoWood som er en kendt spiludvikler annoncerer en succesfuld start på regnskabsåret 2002 - dette skal bland andet ses på bagrund af deres expantion på det scandinaviske marked, samt deres nye spiltitler der omfatter Hotel Giant, Michael Schumacher - Racing World - Kart 2002 og Industry Giant 2.

Læs deres press release herunder :

MAY 7TH 2002

JoWooD Productions Software AG announces results for first quarter 2002

* Successful start into business year 2002 *

* Doubling of sales to EUR 14 m, significant improvement of result

* The Guild and Cultures 2 - two new titles among the top ten of German
MediaControl Charts

* Extensive Release-Pipeline promising positive outlook for business year

JoWooD Productions Software AG, a company quoted on the Vienna Stock Exchange, attained a significant rise in sales and results for the first quarter of 2002. Ensuring the company is clearly back on successful track after a temporary slow down of demand in the fourth quarter of 2001.

In the first three months of 2002 sales amounted to EUR 14 m, surpassing the previous year's figures by 102% (2001: EUR 7 m) for the same period. EBIT rose to EUR 0.2 m (2001: EUR -0.8 m) thereby surpassing all expectations and posting a positive operating result for the first quarter.

A significant positive contribution to the Group's earnings was made by the distribution subsidiary Dynamic Systems. The basis for this encouraging turnaround was the extensive restructuring measures already introduced last year as well as an enhancement of the customer base.

The decline in the financial result to EUR -0.4 m (2001: EUR -0.08 m) is reflected in JoWooD's high commitment to the area of product development.
Currently there are some 30 projects under development in JoWooD's own as well as external studios. This funding therefore is the basis of JoWooD's attractive release pipeline for the next two years.

The Group result was improved in the first quarter to EUR -0.18 m (+ 24%). JoWooD has thereby fully overcome the one-off events that had affected the 2001 result.

With the release of The Guild JoWooD has delivered a very successful opening of the releases year 2002. After only one week this demanding business game has come third in the German MediaControl Charts. Also Cultures 2, launched end of March 2002, ranked among the top ten of the German MediaControl Charts.
For the first time in its history JoWooD managed to have two games simultaneously among the top ten of one of Germany's most important charts.

In the second quarter, major product releases continue, amongst others the top games Hotel Giant, Michael Schumacher - Racing World-Kart 2002 as well as Industry Giant 2 - the eagerly anticipated sequel to the million unit seller of 1997 of the same name.

Essential figures for the first quarter 2002:

EUR 000 Q1/2002 Q1/2001 changes in %
Sales 13,952 6,901 + 102
EBIT 219 -794 + 128
Net income -166 -1,124 + 85
Group result -182 -239 + 24
Number of Employees 273 211 + 29

Further information:

JoWooD Nordic
Nordic PR-Manager
Hans F. O. Ginderskov
Tel. +45 2094 1756