Samsung først med DDR-II

Diverse d.  30. maj. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 336 gange.

Det lader til at Samsung vil være de første med at lancere DDR-II ram:

KOREAN DRAM GIANT Samsung will announce today it has created a 512Mbit DDR-II memory chip, conforming with the JEDEC DDR-II standard set in March.
And IBM has developed a DDR-II memory interface chip, meaning the high speed platform is almost ready to roll.

The memory chip can transfer data at 533Mbps, claimed Samsung, but that can be extended to 666Mbps for special environments and for networks, the company said.

The chip uses a 60 ball grid array package, and includes off chip driver calibration, on die termination and posted CAS for better bus efficiency.

The firm will say that products will go into volume in the third quarter of this year.

It claims to have over 50 per cent of the DDR memory market.