T-Breds med mindre spænding

Diverse d.  09. juli. 2002, skrevet af Sparky 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 326 gange.

Det ser ud til at athlon har valgt at lave strømbesparende (og overclockningsvenlige) cpuer, til OEM markedet, her er det de har skrevet:

AthlonXP SFF:
AMD is building some lower voltage XPs but we will not be seeing them here in the States, at least not now. They will not be in retail boxes but rather packaged for OEM consumption. Here is what AMD had to say.

SFF processors are not currently for general availability. They only ship to OEMs manufacturing SFF boxes, like those in Japan.

Here is a listing of SFF chips currently available overseas and their voltage requirements.

AXLD1600DQT3C 1400 MHz 266 MHz 1.45V 0.13 micron Thoroughbred
AXLD1700DQT3C 1467 MHz 266 MHz 1.45V 0.13 micron Thoroughbred
AXLD1800DVT3C 1533 MHz 266 MHz 1.40V 0.13 micron Thoroughbred
AXLD1900DVT3C 1600 MHz 266 MHz 1.40V 0.13 micron Thoroughbred
AXLD2000DVT3C 1667 MHz 266 MHz 1.40V 0.13 micron Thoroughbred

kilde: http://www.hardocp.com/

Jeg har lige fået at vide af JesperSch

at deres fsb kun er på 100 mhz, desværre! :(

Læs mere her: http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/story.html?id=1025602160