Tom tester 10 P4 mobos med 845E chipsæt

Diverse d.  09. juli. 2002, skrevet af Sparky 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 515 gange.

Onkel Tom har haft 10 motherboards på testbænken, fælles for dem alle er at der er begyndt at komme flere og flere features på de mange nye boards.

Her er hvad de skriver:

Up till now, AMD's Athlon XP has had no problems keeping up with the Intel Pentium 4, despite the latter's considerable lead in clock speed. But the times, they are a-changing. The new P4 models for 133 MHz FSB almost seem to have an afterburner, leaving AMD in the dust despite its Thoroughbred core and DDR333. It appears that Intel's fortunes are on the rise - the motherboards are mature, with features that beat last year's batch by far. Does that mean sunny times for us customers?

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