ATI Tour

Diverse d.  19. juli. 2002, skrevet af The Boss 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 294 gange.

Alle vil ha det - alle ATI's samarbejds partnere vil fortælle at de også har det (- eller får det) - her er den sidste pressemeddelse som vi netop har modtaget fra Guillemot.

Hercules introduces the 3D Prophet 9000 and 3D Prophet 9700 series for a life-like 3D gaming experience.

Copenhagen, JULY 18th, 2002 - Hercules is delighted to announce the latest members of its award-winning 3D Prophet family: the 3D Prophet 9000 series and 3D Prophet 9700 series. The 3D Prophet 9000 series contains graphics accelerators based on Radeon(tm) 9000 and 9000 Pro processors - unique technology designed by ATI for accelerating 3D in life-like, virtual reality games. The 3D Prophet 9700 series board is based on ATI's highly awaited anticipated Radeon(tm) 9700, . It provides a hardware acceleration with the cream of ultimate in 3D innovation and giving access to the latest features available in 3D graphics technology.

"Hercules' objective is to give offer unlimited performance in 3D gaming entertainment. The 3D Prophet 9000 series provide to boosts the frames-per-second rate in games and provides gamers with a set of life-like effects. By designating the Radeon(tm) 9700 as our new flagship 3D accelerator board, we are offering hardcore gamers the reference platform for the new 3D APIs. The 3D Prophet 9700 accelerates the new 3D environments using available Microsoftâ DirectXâ 9, which adds enhances realism in games and offers an unprecedented speed upgrade," says Claude Guillemot, President of Hercules.

The 3D Prophet 9000 and 9000 Pro series architecture is based on 4 texturing pipelines - pumping texturesing into triangles animated by a hardware Vertex Shader - and achieves per pixel programmable effects through a hardware Pixel Shader. This architecture combines:

· the power of a quad-pipeline rendering engine,

· a state-of-the-art hardware Vertex Shader to handle on-board the massive geometric complexity of new games,

· a Pixel Shader to add per pixel shadows as that help create life-like textures and to create the most realistic finest water and lighting effects on the smallest of objects, such as fur, hair, or blades of grass

· a solid video playback hardware, which decodes MPEG2 for DVD, de-interlaces video for display on a TV and enhances online video playback.

The 3D Prophet 9000 series means faster games, and finer realistic texturing effects, thanks to its large texturing engine and its' the hardware acceleration of Microsoftâ DirectXâ 8 API hardware acceleration.

The 3D Prophet 9700 is the reference strongest 3D accelerator for the most demanding gamers, adding in hardware the processing of new APIs to enhance games. Radeon(tm) 9700 architecture gathers on the board has enough 3D processing power to turn a workstation green with envy:

· t3D Prophet 9700 has a huge large rendering engine of 8 pipelines, with 16 textures maps per pass, and fuelled by a 256-bit DDR RAM interface.

· Microsoftâ DirectXâ 9 hardware acceleration is processed by 8 Pixel Shader engines and 4 Vertex Shader engines.

· Catalyst drivers offer the user an interface for controlling the 3D features and provide regular updates for the gamers.


3D Prophet 9000 series will be available in August.

3D Prophet 9700 will be available in September.


3D Prophet 9000 PCI - 142 Euro + VAT

3D Prophet 9000 128MB - 167 Euro + VAT

3D Prophet 9000 PRO 128MB - 209 Euro + VAT

3D Prophet 9700 - To be Confirmed