Review af Bitspower NP81DS20 HSF

Diverse d.  19. juli. 2002, skrevet af Sparky 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 261 gange.

Modthebox har kigget på en Bitspower NP81DS20 HSF køler.

Her er hvad de skriver:

There are many applications that can stress the processor and raise temperatures, but if you had a home entertainment center which included a personal computer component, fan noise could diminish the entire experience. The personal computers of today are slightly different from the previous generation of PC's. Today's PC's are used for a wide variety of tasks in so many different scenarios. For those consumers who hate fan noise but still want modest performance there is now a silent alternative. Today in the MTB labs we are taking a look at the Bitspower NP81DS20 HSF Cooler, a product designed to be the latest in ?Super Silent? performance cooling.

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