Abit KX7 (KT333) Motherboard Review

Diverse d.  06. august. 2002, skrevet af Sparky 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 278 gange.

DeviantPC har kigget på et Abit KX7 (KT333) Mobo...

Her er hvad de skriver:

KT333 boards at the moment are aimed squarely at overclockers. The benchmarks on the previous page will show little difference than those of KT266a boards using PC2100 memory. The power of the board and memory is released when the CPU casts away the shackles of a 266MHz Bus. Now that AMD have announced they are moving to a 333Mhz Bus (166Mhz DDR) it will drastically improve the performance of their processors and make boards sporting the KT333, and soon to be mainstream KT400 chipset of use to non-overclockers.

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