Abit Siluro GF4Ti versus MSI G4Ti4400-VTD

Diverse d.  07. august. 2002, skrevet af @lf 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 409 gange.

Pc Hardware har modtaget 2 spændende Geforce 4 Ti 4400 Grafikkort fra Abit og MSI.
Så de har valgt at lave en lille test.

De skriver bl.a :

I receive a lot of emails from users who ask me about video cards output quality. Unfortunately without the necessary equipment it is impossible
to answer to these questions in a technical accurate way. In lower resolutions most video cards perform the same, the true output display quality
of a video card can be seen in high resolutions over 1600 x 1280 when the signal frequency is higher than 250Mhz.
Additionally, the image quality gets worse close to the output filter cut-off frequency so that the complexity (polynomial order) of this filter and the
quality of the electronic components are important.

Læs mere her : http://www.pchardware.ro/Reviews/review.php?id=170