Chieftec AH-01SL

Diverse d.  13. august. 2002, skrevet af Queenbitch 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 375 gange.

Chieftec's AH-01SL aluminiums kabinet er blevet gået efter i sømmene af

Hvem kunne ikke lige tænke sig, at få et dejligt let og smukt kabinet, + risikoen for en rygskade, når man skal til og fra et netparty, er efter aluminiums kabinetternes opstandelse sikkert også blevet mindre.

Her er lidt af hva de skriver.

"I think this case is the best bang for the buck aluminum case you can buy. If you want aluminum, but don?t want to spend more than the system that?s going to be inside it, Chieftec aluminum cases are the ones the look at. I have personally used a comparable steel Antec case for one of my clients; I don?t see much of a difference in cooling performance between steel and aluminum with the same case design. However, the aluminum Chieftec AH-01SL is half the weight filled with a system. Carrying a system to a client, you would like lightweight."