Test af Zalman CNPS6500A-Cu.

Diverse d.  25. september. 2002, skrevet af @lf 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 436 gange.

ocaddiction.com har testet zalman's cpu køler CNPS6500A-Cu.
Efter at have læst testen kan jeg se at det skulle være en ganske udemærket køler
men læs selv mere herunder.

Lidt info om køleren :

Zalman's CPU Coolers do not generate noise and vibration in Silent Mode.
The heat dissipating material of the Flower HeatSink (FHS) is Pure Copper.
Separation of the FHS from the CPU fan prevents transfer of the fan's vibration to the CPU.
By utilizing a 92mm fan, both the CPU and the motherboard chipset are cooled.
The cooling fan can be mounted at any desired location, making it compatible with virtually all computer cases and motherboards
(Note: computer cases that have the power supply covering the CPU can not be used).
With the included adjustable fan speed connector, the user can freely adjust the CPU fan's RPM.
CPU can be cooled to a temperature sufficiently below the temperature required by the CPU manufacturer in Silent Mode.
Zalman's CPU Coolers enable very stable operation of a CPU in an OVERCLOCKED environment.

ocaddiction skriver bla :

The CNPS6500 comes in a couple of flavors. There are two variations with heatsink material?the aluminum
copper hybrid or the pure copper. Then there are two variations in mounting system?through
the motherboard holes via screws or with the use of the socket 478 heatsink bracket that comes with
all motherboards. We were fortunate enough to receive the CNPS6500A-Cu. The ?A? denotes
the mounting system, which in this case, was mounted through the motherboard holes.
The ?B? would mean that the heatsink mounts through the use of the socket 478 heatsink bracket.
The ?Cu? denotes that the heatsink is all copper while the ?AlCu? denotes the aluminum copper hybrid.

Læs mere her : http://www.ocaddiction.com/reviews/cooling/zalman_CNPS6500A-Cu/