Har vi brug for AGP8x ?

Diverse d.  22. oktober. 2002, skrevet af Quickmcj 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 501 gange.

Forskellen er åbenbart ikke så stor i ydelse som nogen gerne ville ha os til at tro den var. Måske kommer den store forskel senere når NV30 og NV35 kommer...

"With PCI Express on the horizon, AGP 8X (version 3.0) will mark AGP's swansong as the PC's high-speed graphics pipe. But with its wide installed base, AGP will be with us for some time to come, even once PCI Express motherboards and 3D cards/modules become available. AGP 8X brings with it two noteworthy features: a 2X speed increase to 2.2GB/sec and the ability to have more than one AGP graphics device in a system."
