ASUS P4SDX SiS655 bundkort.

Diverse d.  31. oktober. 2002, skrevet af @lf 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 514 gange.

Så er Asus på banen med deres seneste bundkort som er lavet på det sidste nye SiS655 chipset,
og hardwarezone har været så heldige at få fingrene i kortet og fået testet det.
Hvordan det er gået kan du se herunder.

Hardwarezone skriver bl.a :

Although information was scarce, we later realized that the SiS655 is the next generation of
P4 chipset that will support dual-channel DDR333 memory. This would immediately bring obsolescence
to Intel's much anticipated Granite Bay as its theoretical memory bandwidth is much larger - up to
5.4GB/s while dual-channel DDR266 chipsets would only deliver 4.2GB/s. Of course, we know sometimes
that numbers don't mean much but there's nothing wrong with wishful thinking, right?.

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