Diverse d.  03. november. 2002, skrevet af @lf 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 779 gange.

Discover wonderful Christmas presents from
Memorex under your Christmas tree
Make your Christmas a digital one with Memorex, the top international brand in the world of digital
media! The Memorex Santa Claus, who was loved by all last MemoreX-Mas has returned with yet another
sack full of interesting products.
For users of digital video and photographic equipment, Memorex is offering a top-quality black nylon
traveller bag with every memory card purchased (128Mb Compact Flash, 64Mb Smart Media, 64Mb
Secure Digital or 64Mb Multimedia). This handy bag is the perfect place to store and protect your adapter
and memory card.
In addition to this, the MemoreX-Mas promotion also includes the 25+1 CD-R Pack. The freebie state -of-the-
art 48x speed 700Mb CD-R is an attractive added extra, and in the area of analogue media, Memorex
is offering a three-pack of high-quality VHS video tapes with 240 minutes recording time .
As an added bonus, you can also take part in the MemoreX-Mas competition. Check out
www.memorexlive.com for details on how to win one of 10 pieces of the high-quality BBQ 200 external
CD recorder or one of 50 handy CD carrying cases, which will be given away to the lucky winners from
November 1 st thru December 31 st 2002.

Se mere på : www.memorexlive.com