Roundup af Radeon 9700 PRO

Diverse d.  05. november. 2002, skrevet af Quickmcj 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 470 gange.

Lækkert kort, men nu er NV30 her snart. Dog må man sige at ATI altid har haft bedre bileldkvalitet og bedre TV'out end Nvidias kort. fuldstændigt dit, for det er helt sikkert at disse Radeon kort vil falde betydeligt i pris for at blive bare lidt længere tid på markedet.

Christmas is coming and the latest games are bringing computers to their knees. Fall is the perfect time to get your computer in shape again to cope with the increasingly demanding requirements of games. And if you're looking for the latest and greatest graphics card around, you won't have to look any farther than ATi's new Radeon 9700 PRO. It already supports DirectX 9, even though Microsoft hasn't officially published the latest update for its 3D interface. But even given today's batch of games, it offers far and away the best performance and the highest-quality display capabilities. There is an alternative to 9700 PRO - the NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti4600, which has already started showing its age. While it makes a good showing in the standard benchmarks, it falls off steeply in full-scene antialiasing and anisotropic filtering, lagging considerably behind the new ATi flagship model. The main reason for ATi's lead is the card's 256-bit memory interface, which effectively doubles its memory bandwidth. And that's not counting the four vertex-shader units, compared to the GeForce4 Ti's two, giving a real boost to its polygon capabilities.