FIC AN19E bundkort (KT400)

Diverse d.  07. november. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 480 gange.

VR-Zone har haft et KT400 bundkort til test. Det er fra producenten FIC som nok de færreste kender.
Læs hvad de skriver her:

"The FIC AN19E is definitely a board that should be looked into by any enthusiast that is looking at the KT400 chipset. FIC is definitely improving their image as a company geared towards all segments of the market, not only the low and mid ranged portions. A very expandable board with all the features a user would want are just some of the characteristics of the AN19E. Along with being extremely stable, the board performs up to par with other KT400 boards, but in a few benchmarks, the older KT333 chipset does outperform the new KT400."