Hurtigere RAM...!

Diverse d.  24. november. 2002, skrevet af The Boss 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 323 gange.

RAM producenterne fremstiller stadigvæk RAM der er hurtigere og Hurtigere - så må vi blot håbe på at chip producenterne vil understøtte disse i fremtiden.
Denne gang er det OCZ fra USA der er på market med deres DDR500 (4ns) modul.

OCZ Technology Group would like to announce the availability of 466Mhz and 500Mhz OCZ EL DDR ICs. OCZ Technology EL DDR ICs are intended for use in system memory for bandwidth intensive applications that can take advantage of the increased memory speeds. OCZ technology plans to use these ICs in our PC-3700 and PC-4000 EL DDR modules, as we gain motherboard support for enhanced latency DDR.

"We will continue to lead the market with the fastest DDR ICs available" said Bhulinder Sethi, VP of Marketing. "Our only concern at this point is garnering support from motherboard and chipset manufacturers as Jedec continues to lag behind. At this time only Abit has been able to provide motherboard support for DDR500 modules " For more information about our new EL DDR466 and EL DDR500 visit its product information page.