Test af Asus V9280S/TVD

Diverse d.  03. december. 2002, skrevet af Quickmcj 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 552 gange.

Lad os se om TI4200 stadig har noget at byde på, og om AGP8x bliver udnyttet endnu...

"AGP 3.0 is the next logical step in the evolution of AGP. The AGP 3.0 spec includes the AGP 2.0 spec with some features removed that were not being utilized in order to streamline performance, as well as some additional enhancements. It allows for a new 0.8v-signaling rate with the connector still at 1.5v. It runs at an effective 533MHz rate, allowing 8X AGP a 2.1GB/sec transfer rate. There are many motherboard chipsets out there now that support the AGP 3.0 specification. AGP 8X is an evolutionary step up from AGP 4X, so let's see if it will benefit us in any way with current games."
