Endnu et review af en
LCD skærm.
Designtechnica følger dillen og har lavet et review af
Philips 180B2 .
Philips 180B2 Flat Panel LCD skærmen byder på en masse gode features og et flot design. Skærmen er oven-i-købet til at købe for menneske penge og viser at denne type skærme er inde i en ultraudvikling og inden længe vil vi se at
LCD skærme falder i pris, måske endda under CRT skærmene!
With the 180B2 Philips has delivered an excellent monitor at a
very reasonable price. Plenty of competition is driving LCD development
at an alarming rate - so one of the natural concerns is that prices will
continue to plummet, making it wiser to hold off on a purchase. Of
course this is always a concern with new technology - but with LCD
screens in particular it stands a good chance that prices will drop in
the long run, dare we say it, even below CRT monitors ."