Altec Lansing 251 5.1 Surround

Diverse d.  10. december. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 383 gange.

Tweaknews har testet et rigtig lækkert højttaler system fra Altec Lansing.
Det er 5.1 kanals højttalersystem, som virkelig er noget der rykker, hvis man ser DVD film på PC'eren.

"Bullets flying by your head, a bird singing to front of you, or a blood-thirsty demon reaching out for you from behind. All these PC gaming examples are what you will be missing when you game through a normal 2 speaker setup. Today's gaming market is bringing more and more advanced games with more submersive environments and with the improvements, games are being shipped with surround sound gaming support. In my view, what is the point of buying an expensive game and not taking full advantage of the key factor in your daily environment, sound. If you are in the market for a 5.1 speaker system upgrade and or are upgrading your soundcard to the latest surround soundcard, I will be reviewing today which in my books is the BEST value in surround sound gaming speaker setups, the Altec Lansing 251 system."