Nforce2 roundup

Diverse d.  19. december. 2002, skrevet af Quickmcj 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 373 gange.

Endnu en roundup af nogle Nforce2 mobo's. Her er det Asus, Leadtek og EPoX der testes...

"In the Summer NVIDIA released their much heralded nForce 2 chipset. Boasting updated features and even some new ones, plus the realisation that Windows XP support, as a mature operating system this time around, would not be a problem made the nForce 2 again look good on paper.
It was only until their performance benchmarks started trickling through from review sites that we were to gauge how good the board actually was.
In this roundup we will be looking at 3 of the stalwarts of motherboard production, the nForce 2s from Asus (A7n8x-deluxe), Leadtek (Winfast NCR18D-Pro) and EPoX (8RDA+)."