Lav dit gf 4 TI om til et Quadro, med software!

Diverse d.  07. januar. 2003, skrevet af slp^ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 321 gange.

"The subject of remaking game accelerators into professional accelerators is heating the user minds for a long time. The major driving force behind it is a natural wish to save the money, because not every person can allow himself to buy a professional accelerator (often it costs in two or three times higher than its ?gaming? brethren). But this is not the point of this article ? a developer may fairly sell more complex professional accelerators at a higher cost than the ones intended for games. But the second reason, which we will discuss today, is more serious: GPU developers themselves or, more precisely, their not so fair behavior, are pushing us towards remaking game accelerators into professional ones. Unfortunately, the very same wish to save money is driving them too, and an opportunity to get more income on professional accelerators market (especially with minimal investment) is making some companies to sell virtually identical cards, leaving an ethic towards their customers behind, under different labels at a prices several times higher. A little bit of good marketing, some tricks from software developers, and you are free to increase the price for the accelerator and gain income which is times higher, while the prime cost remains the same. Tempting, isn?t it? That?s why many of chipmakers prefer not to create different GPUs for different markets. Using generalized optimization of driver code and software blocking of some of accelerator capabilities, it is possible to acquire considerable difference gap between performance levels of gaming and professional accelerators based on the same graphics processor."