Tja...kunne være man skulle til at lave det mod efterhånden ;)
"When I went about water-cooling my first PSU, I was learning as I went along so now I've had the experience, I'm in a better position to do a decent job. In this article I'll go through, step-by-step, showing you how to water-cool your PSU from scratch! I started off with a nice little QTec 550W PSU. If you've read the first article I wrote on water-cooling your PSU (which was aimed more at inspiring people than being a step-by-step guide), you'll know that my basic plan is quite simple. Basically, it involves replacing the fans / heatsinks with plates of copper. Each plate has a copper pipe soldered to it which is where the water runs to remove the heat. We'll get to that later - for now lets look at taking this thing apart." http://www.digital-explosion.co.uk/index.php?articleID=65