Spændende nyt fra Thermaltake

Diverse d.  09. januar. 2003, skrevet af The Boss 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 321 gange.

Sussec'en med Xaser II kabinetterne fra Thermaltake har været så stor at de netop har frigivet deres nyeste, nemlig Xaser III - det bliver spændende at se om forbrugerne ikke også skulle tage dette nye kabinet til deres hjerter - flot er det ihvertfald.

After the successful release of Xaser II Series Case, Thermaltake proudly presents Xaser III series. It comes fitted with a large window on the side panel, features-enriched interior, multi-functional front HardCano unit and ?Thermaltake? logo back-lighted by Electric-LED.

Thermal Management is well addressed with the Xaser III Series Case. The redesigned HardCano unit lets you control up to 4 fan unit?s speed within the case. Thus allowing users to turn up the airflow during intensive operations and lowering the noise level when the system is idling. Built in temperature alarm will alert you when temperature exceeds the preset limit. Just another feature to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

Every details were carefully thought of when designing this latest case. 2-Way Lock is a great and convenient way to access the Drive Bays when needed and lock it to provide absolute security. Side panel is also guarded by the locking mechanism for added security.

With the traditional case design, users will often need to crawl to the back of the case in order to access USB, IEEE 1349 Firewire, Audio Input/Output ports. Instead of making you come to those ports, Thermaltake has brought these ports to you for easier access.

Xaser III Series Case will be released in Q1 of 2003.

Please visit: www.thermaltake.com