Patent afslører info om PS3

Diverse d.  10. januar. 2003, skrevet af noBrain 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 703 gange.

Sony's patent på PS3 (sep. 2002) afslører lidt om hvad man kan forventes af fremtidens spil-konsol.
For et give et lille indblik i nogle af specifikationerne, kan man se dette citat:

In brief, it looks like the PS3 will be made up of four "processing elements," or PEs, each of which will contain a DMA controller, some local cache and about eight vector units. These PEs will be fully connected to 64, 1MB banks of DRAM, and will be under the control of a (probably PowerPC) CPU that dynamically allocates code to run on the various PEs according to workload.

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