Audigy 2 vs. Soundstorm (NForce2 Onboard)

Diverse d.  16. januar. 2003, skrevet af Quickmcj 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 361 gange.

En nyttig artikel. Hvertfald hvis konklusionen er at det ikke kan betale sig at købe Audigy 2 til fordel for Soundstorm.

"So, you?re ready for a new sound card in the New Year and you want something good. You play a lot of games with 3D positional audio, so our recommendation of the Acoustic and Seismic Edge for 2 channel digital out is no good. You?ve read our Hercules round-up and decided that while they?re good, you?re willing to spend more but the exotic prosumer cards from Terratec or M-Audio are out of your range. This leaves just two high-end gaming sound cards left: the Creative Labs Audigy 2 and the NVIDIA nForce2 MCP with SoundStorm."