EPoX Nforce2 Volt-modding i stor stil

Diverse d.  16. januar. 2003, skrevet af Quickmcj 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 982 gange.

Denne nyhed fundet af vores læser "Riska"

Tja...hvorfor ikke. Det er jo kun garantien der ryger. Når, men man må sige at det hjælper på OC potentialet for det pågældende mobo.

"EPoX although a little slower in releasing their nForce2 solution has fast becoming one of the overclockers' favorite board. Read our 8RDA+ review here. 8RDA+ by default can only be stable up to 200Mhz FSB and perhaps that's the main reason why the initial BIOS only allow up to 200Mhz FSB. The most important factor determining overclockability is the VDD (voltage to the nForce2 chipset) and next important factor is the VDDR (voltage to the memories). As 8RDA+ BIOS allows VCore up to 2.2V already therefore there is not a need to perform any mod for that. In this article, we will show you how to mod the VDD and VDDR in order to get amazing FSB out of this board."
