iRock! Bling 200D MP3/CD Player

Diverse d.  23. januar. 2003, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 364 gange.

En lidt utraditionel artikel, men den er alligevel ret god og ikke mindst interessant, da MP3 afpsillere virkelig er på vej frem.
Zephirtech har testet en bærbar MP3/CD afspiller fra iRock;

"With hundreds of MP3 players flooding the market it really is hard to pick out a single product that is the perfect match for every listener. First International Digital (FID) has several MP3 players out on the market and all of which are valued priced and packed with features. FID?s latest unit, the iRock! Bling 200D, continues to follow in the company?s footsteps and is now widely available. So what makes the unit so good? Continue on and you?ll see."