Shuttle SN41G2 nForce 2 Barebone

Diverse d.  24. januar. 2003, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 647 gange.

Shuttles Barebone maskiner er blevet meget kendte på det seneste års tid. Det skyldes ikke mindst at ydelsen begynder at komme i top, samtidig med at prisen falder.
Deres seneste BareBone er den som LostCircuits lige har testet.
Den er bygget op på nForce 2 chipsættet, og har nVidia IPG-2 (Crush 18G) samt nVidia MCP-T.

"The second incarnation of the AGP for AMD doctrine in Shuttle's series of XPC brings a full-fledged nVidia nForce2 chipset to the table, including IGP and MCP-T featuring the GeForce 4MX core and nVidia's APU. Some minor adjustments to the SFF caused the demise of the second Ethernet port, otherwise, all the goodies are there, including an abundance of memory bandwidth. Unlike conventional integrated graphics, the nForce2 architecture does not take a performance hit proportional to the desktop resolution, courtesy of the "Twin Bank" architecture. Using a triple phase VRM with asymmetric FET switches, the FN41 as the heart of the SN41G2 appears well prepared for coming generations of AMD Athlon and Barton processors. Specs are specs and paper is patient, so where are the pitfalls? Or were there none?"