SIIG SerialATA controller

Diverse d.  27. januar. 2003, skrevet af OcDevil 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 690 gange.

Envy News har kigget nærmere på denne SATA controller og sammenlignet en Seagate PATA disk med en Seagate SATA disk. Hvormeget er hastigheds forskellen lige pt. ??

"Since the card has a back-plane for the PCI slot, the option of an external SATA connector would have been a very interesting feature. Since Serial-ATA supports 1-meter cable lengths, it would have been nice to see an external connector to attach drives this way. It's quite possible we'll see external S-ATA chassis' support down the road, and I hope SIIG decides to offer this when consumer and OEM acceptance of the new standard is fully embraced."

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