Corsair vs. OCZ

Diverse d.  30. december. 1899, skrevet af front243 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 732 gange.

GamePC har anmeldt nogle af de mest anerkendte DDR-ram kredse:

-Corsair XMS2700 ELL
-Corsair XMS3500
-OCZ PC-2700
-OCZ PC-3200

Hvem er bedst ?

"If you want to be safe, always go for a big name company who has JEDEC-approved clock speeds, such as PC-2100 or PC-2700. It's only a matter of time until "official" PC-3200 (DDR-400) modules make it to market, hopefully they'll make it just in time for Intel's upcoming dual channel DDR-400 chipset in a few months. Until we have approved standards, buying high-speed DDR memory will always be hit or miss."