Harddisk Roundup

Diverse d.  31. januar. 2003, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 415 gange.

Xbitlabs har lavet en meget god og grundig sammen ligning af 4 harddiske, som alle har 8MB cache.
Konkurrenterne er:

  • Western Digital (har to diske med)
  • Maxtor
  • IBM

    "There are four hard disk drives from three manufacturers in our today's review. They are WD1800JB and WD2000JB from Western Digital, Deskstar 180GXP from IBM and DiamondMax Plus 9 from Maxtor. They are all equipped with an 8MB cache-buffer and have similar storage capacities. Let's see which of them boasts record-breaking performance! "
