Abit GF4 Ti4200-8X OTES anmeldelse

Diverse d.  06. februar. 2003, skrevet af Quickmcj 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 402 gange.

Ja og det var jo så selvfølgelig ironi på ufattelig lavt plan, men nok om det.

Med al den køling burde der være grundlag for voldsom OC.

"ABIT, a company well known for the overclockability of their motherboard products via SoftMenu? Technology have brought us jumperless mobo's since the days of the Celeron 300A and have long been the leaders of innovation and quality. Today we take a look at a Geforce4 Ti4200 with 2 unique features: the Outside Thermal exhaust System and 8X AGP. Oddly enough, the ABIT OTES appears to be the forerunner in cooling design for the new nVidia GeForce FX Video Card. Incorporating some intriguing technology for cooling down those hot GPU's. "
