Hvilket DDR RAM modul..?

Diverse d.  07. februar. 2003, skrevet af The Boss 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 399 gange.

Hvilket RAM modul skal man så vælge...?

Det kan være svært at vælge det helt rigtige - men er er en oversigt fra Corsair Memory, læg mærke til at der er kommet nye moduler til DUAL Memory bundkort ( nForceII )

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Og her er et svar fra Corsair vedr. brugen af de rigtige RAM moduler i DUAL Memory bundkort :

Dear Steen,

As you know, these mainboards (nForceII & Intel's E7205 Granite Bay) perform best when the CPU and memory buses are synchronised so PC2700 gives HIGHER performance than PC3200.
What we achieve with these new Low Latency parts is to take the mainboard performance to its maximum, by lowering the latency at PC2700, this gives a significant performance boost to the board.
The other beauty is that there is no need to go into the BIOS to change the settings, because the board will recognise the settings automatically. This makes it attractive for regular users, who don't want to do any tweaking.

These modules are made faster chips than our regular XMS2700 C2 parts.

The data sheets are on the website

Paul Watkins
Corsair Memory

Håber at dette kan være til hjælp for jer - til at vælge det helt rigtige Corsair modul.
