Apples co-founder Steve Wozniak flytter

Diverse d.  12. februar. 2003, skrevet af Kays 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 361 gange.

Apples co-founder Steve Wozniak flytter pga. manglende GSM signal - ironisk ejer han et firma baseret på wireless teknologi:

"It's in a weird little nook," Woz explained recently. "There's no GSM coverage. I need it, so I'm moving."

Hvad har Steve Wozniak af nyt på trapperne til IT folket:

After many years volunteering as a part-time teacher at a local grade school, Woz returned to the technology industry in 2001 as the founder and CEO of Wheels of Zeus (or WOZ, get it?), a wireless gadget startup that promises to "help everyday people find everyday things."
The company has yet to reveal information about its products, but, like Woz, they presumably need GSM.
Woz also serves on the board of Danger, another startup that makes the Hiptop cell-phone-cum-PDA.,2125,57594,00.html