Barton med VapoChill

Diverse d.  17. februar. 2003, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 2043 gange.

HardwareZone har travlt. De har leget med en Barton, med det extreme kølingssystem VapoChill.
Om man er imponeret eller ej over resultatet, må være en smagssag.

"Overclock the Barton with a conventional copper cooler? Nah... we'll go for the best with the VapoChill.
Find out just how much more we're able to overclock the processor and how it compares with the Pentium 4.

In this review, we will explore the possibility of overclocking the Barton core using a VapoChill CPU cooling
system. The next few pages, you'll find benchmarking results of the Barton core at very high clock speeds.
With this type of extreme cooling, does it have what it takes to speed past the competition? Read on to find out."