Dør den velkendte BIOS ?

Diverse d.  23. februar. 2003, skrevet af OcDevil 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 349 gange.

News.com har taget en snak med Intel's Principal Engineer, Mark Doran. Han har været med til at udvikle et system som med tiden kan overtage BIOS'ens arbejde, det hedder EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface).

"As part of the demonstration, he showed a network driver being replaced on a live machine, as well as multiple reconfigurations of various USB (universal serial bus) devices. Because EFI has its own filing system that lives on a reserved part of the hard disk, it can become the standard home for a whole set of utilities that have always had an awkward fit with the BIOS. Digital rights management and security designers also have an interest in EFI because it gives them a new level of control over the hardware."

Læs resten af dette spændende inerview af Mark Doran her: http://news.com.com/2100-1001-985600.html?tag=fd_top