MSI GeForce4 Ti 4800-SE

Diverse d.  25. februar. 2003, skrevet af Gobo 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 603 gange. gar testet MSI's GF4 Ti4800-SE som er et 8xAGP grafikkort.
Kortet er testet mod et Ti4200 x8, Radeon 9700 samt Radeon 9700 PRO.

"I'd like to commend MSI on producing another excellent package. The massive software bundle, the latest Philips 7108AE TIVO chip, splitter, DVI-to-VGA converter, and a massive heatsink help to ensure that it will undoubtedly be one of the better Ti 4800-SE cards available. I'd like to recommend this card, but with a similarly priced competing product that is faster in almost every respect (and we are at the performance end of the market here), it is extremely hard to do so. In summary, a nice card based upon a comparatively limited GPU."