Frozen Liquid Cooler review

Diverse d.  04. marts. 2003, skrevet af Quickmcj 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 622 gange.

Nytænkning er det hvertfald, men spørgsmålet er så lige, om den dur til noget, andet end dørstopper...

"This model has now been popping up all over the place and is drawing a bit of attention to itself. Not by retailers, but the manufacturers spamming email accounts ! I got 10 copies of their promotional email telling me that I had never seen a product the same as this, and yet I had, I had already had one that was cracked and had leaked all over the packaging, and now I had a second sitting on my desk waiting some testing ! (Which is exactly what I told them) ! I hate spam at the best of times and when it is from a manufacturer pimping their product that I already have well !!!! "