ATI R350 GPU @ ATI Radeon 9800 PRO

Diverse d.  06. marts. 2003, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 589 gange. har testet et ATI Radeon 9800 PRO grafikkort mod et 9700 kort, samt et nVidia GFX ULTRA.
Kortet yder som forventet, og må siges at være det huritgste man i dag kan finde.

"It's both faster and has more features than the 9700 Pro, and generally matches the GeForce FX on the feature front. That alone will ensure that it sells by the proverbial bucket load. Our benchmarks have shown it to be the performance leader in the majority of benchmarks that we conducted. Excelling the key area of high resolutions and high settings of image quality (4x AA, 8x AF), it betters the 9700 Pro in almost every way. Evolutionary rather than revolutionary. After all, why change a winning formula ?."