MSI GNB Max-FISR (Intel E7205)

Diverse d.  06. marts. 2003, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 402 gange.

Sharky Extreme har testet et MSI bundkort til Pentium 4 processorer.
Det er et bundkort bygget på Intels E7205 chipset.
Kortet er sat op mod et Intel 845 samt et Intel i845PE chipset.

"The overclocking options of E7205 motherboards has been a sore spot for many, as some boards literally have few if any enhancements. The GNB Max-FISR has an excellent CPU overclocking setup, with 1 MHz FSB speeds from 133 to 200 MHz, and CPU core voltage settings from 1.475 to 1.85V. This is actually a more substantial maximum voltage level than MSI offers in their basic Pentium 4 motherboards, so it was a nice surprise. Unfortunately, the overclocking options end there, with no DDR or AGP voltage selections. The AGP side doesn't bother us too much, and although the 266 MHz DDR limit really doesn't warrant a lot of voltage options, we missed it when trying to jack no-name memory to the lowest timings possible."