Radeon 9800

Diverse d.  06. marts. 2003, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 464 gange.

Bjorn3d har testet det nye Radeon 9800 grafikkort.
De har sat kortet op mod et Radeon 9700 kort, som indtil nu har været ATI's største.

"I am now finished with my first look at the new Radeon 9800 Pro from ATI.
I've run it thourgh a bunch of benchmarks including 3Dmark2001SE, 3DMark03 and UT2k3 and found that this card manages to beat the Radeon 9700 Pro with up to 30% as soon as you crank up the resolution and turn on AA and anisotropic filtering.
Why not take a look at our scores and see for yourselves?"
