EPoX 8RDA+ nForce 2

Diverse d.  08. marts. 2003, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 281 gange.

Viperlair har testet det nok mest overclockings-venlige nForce 2 bundkort til dato.
Det er selvfølgelig EPoX 8RDA+ de har leget med.
Med ne stabil FSB på 230MHz må man sige, at de er nået vidt.

"A 230FSB was pretty much a piece of cake, using an 8.0 mulitplier. I tried 8.5 but the system would not post. I also tried 8 x 231, but the system, although posting at 8 x 231, would not boot into Windows. We did manage a POST at 5 x 242, but it never got into Windows either. The fact that it at least POSTed at 242FSB is a bit of an encouragement as the upcoming AMD CPUs will likely ride the 400FSB bus, so you'll still have some OC headroom when the new chips arrive."
