Lian Li PC6010 m. Aquarium panel

Diverse d.  18. marts. 2003, skrevet af Quickmcj 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 376 gange.

Stortset det samme Lian Li kabinet som vi kender det, dog med få ændringer. Aquarium panel som i alle nok kender nu er også med, og bliver monteret i slutningen af artiklen.

"When I think Lian Li I usually think of the PC-60 and similar models, which has the basic Lian Li shape and features. In the past few months the designers over at Lian Li have been working overtime bringing high quality aluminium cases with something unique about them onto the market. We reviewed the PC-6085A a while ago and now Lian Li have kindly sent us their latest case in the mid sized range, the PC6010, well not just a PC6010 they've also included an aquarium side panel, what's that? Well I'll tell you later."