Review af Epox 8K9A2+ KT400 Bundkort

Diverse d.  19. marts. 2003, skrevet af Calium 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 370 gange.

Så er EPoX på banen igen! Denne gang skal vi se på endnu en test, af et Socket A bundkort. Så AMD brugere kan glæde sig, over dette nye bundkort. EPoX 8K9A2+ er navnet, og eftersigende skulle dette bundkort være et af de bedste på markedet for tiden..

Citat fra konklusionen:

"For the general user this is a typical excellent Epox product, with all the needed features and good performance - better than my old favourite the 8K3A+. It has a good manual and is completely reliable, which is no more than you would expect from Epox. I can't actually think of anything wrong with it for normal use, so: 10/10"

"For the overclocker, things are more mixed: the lack of some voltage adjustments seriously hampers overclocking; and the maximum available CPU voltage is too low. And whatever is causing the problems with high bus speeds at high overclocks, this board is too vulnerable to it. Despite this, it stays in box number 1, whilst the Shuttle stays relegated. But it pains me to say it: 8/10"

*Billedet lånt af AMDWorld

NB: Mon ikke at der snart kommer en Vdd guide til at hæve Vcoren?

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