Preview af SiS R658 og RIMM-4800 RDRAM

Diverse d.  26. marts. 2003, skrevet af Woodgnome 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 342 gange.

Selv om RDRAM måske ikke lige er det der er mest in, så er de dog ikke ligefrem ringe.

"As Intel has all but dropped support for RDRAM technology for their upcoming Pentium 4 chipsets, it's good to see SiS picking up the slack and developing new chipsets based on 32-bit RDRAM technology. While 32-bit RDRAM motherboards based on the Intel 850-E chipset never really took off, SiS may have more success with the R658. With support for the fastest RDRAM standards along with new features like AGP 8x and integrated Southbridge Firewire, the SiS R658 is basically on equal footing with today's top of the line DDR chipsets like the SiS 655 and Intel E7205."