Nye BareBones.....

Diverse d.  28. marts. 2003, skrevet af The Boss 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 328 gange.

BareBones har fået stor opmærksomhed på grund af deres gode ydelse vs. størelsen, Soltek også være med på vognen for disse BareBones, som vi nok skal komme til at se rigtig meget til i fremtiden - for hvem vil da ikke gerne have en PC på størelse med en skotøjsæske....!!

På Hardware-Test spår vi BareBone systemer en stor fremtid og vil også forsøge at få en del af disse til test.

Soltek Mini Barebone System EQ3000M Wins Editor's Choice From Motherboards.org

"So far this is the first dual 5.25 bay SFF unit to enlist in the mini-system army that I have seen yet and that qualifies for solid thumbs up material. The shiny mirrored face is very cool visually as well and is another stand-out feature of the unit."

"Soltek has a solid product on their hands in this latest round of SFF systems as the QBIC is just cool enough to get an Editors choice award. I like to burn from CD to CD and with only a single 5.25 bay that becomes a no go so having two bays available opens previously uncharted territory in my book. I also like the fact it uses a standard CPU cooling assembly leaving the heatsink choice up to the user."

"I have no qualms at all about recommending this product as this little QBIC has the makings of a Editors Choice Award. A solid unit through and through is what you can expect with the Soltek QBIC, good job people this unit has the right balance of art and architecture to be in the winners circle."

For complete review, please visit following site: